It has a stunning view of the region and allows you to sit on its huge balcony to enjoy a meal with your partner and children. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account, Perfect base of operations for evil character. It serves as a player home with personal storage, as well as a bed and access to everything you need in your adventures. Make your enemies cower in fear before you with these badass armors worthy of even a Daedric Prince. I already have a bunch that I think will work good, some nice evil castles and underground lairs, loads of spell mods, and weapon and armor mods but always on the look out for more! Based on the Resident Evil mansion, this Evil Mansion is plagued with enemies in every room. The design takes the cake and earns it a place above other castles on this list, however. Most base-game castles do not suit the Dragonborn and their might. Shadow Scale armor is still on the lore friendly side of Skyrim things. It is a rather small home in comparison to others on this list.

is a graphical mod that simply makes the games static 3D models look nicer. :3 I know they're not super modest, but they're just so nifty! Falskaar is an amazing achievement in modding and is a must-try for any Skyrim fan.